CLI in Nairn: make a note of the date!

Hallo a (bh)charaidean!
CLI Gaidhlig, an organisation that runs excellent courses in Gaelic, is coming to Nairn! There will be a one day Saturday course for all levels of Gaelic Learners in Nairn. The proposed date is Sat 13 May. Does anyone know of any big events which are on in Nairn that day? Please let me know, as we don't want it to clash with anything major. The Cost will be £25 but those living in Nairnshire will be subsidised by £10 to £15 ( from money from Gaelic in the Community Scheme). I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile pencil the date in your diaries.
Le durachd Janice


Gàidhlig unit at Millbank gets go-ahead

How it was reported in the P&J:
'A Gaelic medium unit will be established in Nairn, it was agreed by Highland Council yesterday. The prospect of a Gaelic unit in the town attracted criticism from Nairn councillor John Matheson, who remains opposed to the setting up of the unit. Previously Mr Matheson had claimed it was "the wrong time politically" to open the unit in Nairn.At the education, culture and sport committee meeting in Inverness yesterday it was agreed unanimously that a Gaelic medium department would be established at Millbank School from August, subject to the availability of additional accommodation and teacher staff, but if the target date is not possible, Gaelic medium provision will be established as soon as reasonably practicable.Bruce Robertson, director of education, said: "This will be our latest development in Gaelic medium education and it's excellent that we have been able to bring Gaelic medium provision to the most easterly part of the Highlands."'
For the full P&J article please see here.
Some comment from the web now:
‘S e ceum mòr air adhart th’ ann. Rinn Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd co-dhùnadh an-dè airson aonad foghlaim trom mheadhan na Gàidhlig a chur air bhog ann an Inbhir Narann. Abair naidheachd, a-nis bidh Gàidhlig beò ann an Inbhir Narann air bilean ginealach eile. Tha mi uabhasach fhèin toilichte airson nam pàrant, tha iadsan air a bhith a’ strì airson an cuid coireachan airson bharrachd air 20 bhliadhna. Thuirt Sarah Ralph dhan Phress & Journal an diugh. ‘Tha daoine bruidhinn Gàidhlig ann an Inbhir Narann, mise nam measg, agus tha fhios agam gur e feadhainn a-mach mu dheidhinn ciamar a bu chòir dhuinn a bhith ag ionnsachadh canain eile a leithid Mandarin air sgàth ‘s gur e canan gnothaich a th’ann. Ach chan eil beatha mu dheidhinn gnothaich, tha i mu dheidhinn cultair agus dualchas. Tha Gàidhlig mu chuairt oirnn., ‘s e ar cultar agus dualchas. Tha i fhathast ga faicinn ann an ainmean àiteachean. Thug iad bhuainn le fòirneart i. Chuir iad caisg oirre sna sgoiltean. Mar sin nuair a tha iad ag ràdh gur e chanan aig uchd bàis a th’ innte, cha robh i a’ bàsachadh gu nàdarra. Tha faireachdainn làidire agamsa mu a deidhinn.’ Sin thu fhèin Sarah, air sgath ‘s a h-uile càil a rinn thusa agus do chàirdean bidh Gàidhlig air ais aig cridhe ar coimhearsnachd. ‘S math a rinn sibh!


Highland Council Workshops for parents in Nairn

Supporting Children’s Gaelic outside School

Workshops for Parents

Exposure to Gaelic outside the school, and particularly at home, can have a great influence on a child’s attitude to the language and on his or her ability to get the best from Gaelic-medium education. Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd/Highland Council is running two informal workshops for parents of children interested in Gaelic-medium education. The aim is to provide information and advice about giving practical support to children’s Gaelic outside the classroom.

These workshops will take place on Tuesday 21st March and Wednesday 29th March, between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm, in the Newton Hotel, Nairn. The topics will be as follows:

Tuesday 21st March: Raising Gaelic-Speaking Children
Trying to raise Gaelic-speaking children in an (apparently) English-speaking world presents parents with a number of issues to deal with. No matter what their own ability in Gaelic, there is a lot that parents can do.

Wednesday 29th March: Supporting Gaelic-Speaking Children – Things to Do
This will deal with effective ways of supporting the work of the school through educational activities in the home and outside. The workshop will give an opportunity to find out about books, video and audio tapes, CDs, websites, and television and radio programmes.

We do hope that you will be able to attend these workshops; we want them to be relaxed, yet helpful and informative. Previous workshops in other areas have been very well received by parents, who saw them as a welcome opportunity to raise questions, get advice, pick up ideas and find out about Gaelic resources. Tea, coffee, etc. will be provided