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John Matheson' s comments

As reported on the Press and Journal website 12 11 05
A Senior Highland councillor has warned that, if a Gaelic medium primary school is opened in Nairn, none of the serving councillors in the area will be re-elected. Councillor John Matheson, who chairs the council's resources committee, said to grant the request of a large number of parents for Gaelic-medium education now was the "wrong time politically". This is the first request to the council following the new Gaelic Language Act, which asks local authorities to consider such requests very seriously. The council's education culture and sport committee has agreed to start a formal consultation process, following the request. Mr Matheson said: "Discussions so far have been between officials and parents and there has been no member involvement. By the time members become involved, it will have already built up a head of steam and there is no chance to stop the consultation process. "I also have concerns about affordability. Because of the state of the budgets, we should not be entering into new commitments. "I am as committed to the preservation of the Gaelic language and culture as anyone else and my family comes from centuries of Gaelic tradition. Sorley MacLean's mother is a family member, as is Karen Matheson of Capercaillie. "But, from my own personal experience, I believe that Highland Council's policy falls short of what is required. Gaelic medium education in primary school has little effect, and you can't retain a language unless it is the language of the home and the community, and no community exists." Councillor Matheson added: "I would like members to be involved in the preparation of the consultation paper. Council policy is to provide Gaelic-medium education within available resources, and we don't have the resources. "Major projects scheduled for Nairn are going pear-shaped, and there is an expectation in Nairn that the council will do what it promised eight years ago. There is a danger that Nairn will end up with no more than a primary school Gaelic-medium unit. If that is the case, serving councillors standing again in 2007 will have little hope of being re-elected." The council's education chief Bruce Robertson said: "This is a formal request from parents and we are duty bound to respond to that."

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